09:55 - 10:40 Uhr


Salon 9

Bernhard Lubomski

Observing Cloud Native Java Apps Using OpenTelemetry on AWS, GCP and Azure

All major cloud providers (AWS, GCP, Azure) have recently introduced support for OpenTelemetry, a young open source observability framework, which provides insights into any software during runtime by means of distributed traces, metrics and logs. The OpenTelemetry Java auto-instrumentation capability supports a wide selection of popular Java frameworks (e.g., Java EE, Spring, Quarkus) and makes it very easy to collect telemetry data for your Java applications. In this talk, we will introduce the architectural fundamentals of OpenTelemetry and show how it can be integrated into your Java cloud applications on AWS,  GCP and Azure. We will explain how the cloud providers leverage the traces and metrics collected from an application instrumented with OpenTelemetry and which tools they offer, enabling you to explore this information and analyze how your Java software behaves in the cloud.

Bernhard Lubomski, RETIT GmbH

Bernhard Lubomski ist Senior Software Performance Consultant bei der RETIT GmbH. Er hat ein Studium der Informatik absolviert und verfügt über 10 Jahre Berufserfahrung in den Bereichen Software-Entwicklung und Software-Performance-Consulting. Seine Expertise liegt in der Java-Entwicklung, und dem Performance-Monitoring und der -Optimierung von Java Anwendungen. Meetup-Vorträge und Blog-Beiträge zu aktuellen Themen der Software Performance runden sein Portfolio ab.
Seine Erfahrung als Referent: Vorträge beim Software Performance Meetup der RETIT GmbH, den Test-Tagen der JUG Stuttgart und der JavaLand.