09:00 - 09:45

People & Teams

Salon 10

Marco Achtziger
Siemens Healthineers

What craftsmanship is all about

Already 8 years back a program called test craftsmanship program was introduced in my organization. Several other programs for craftsmanship have been started since and also other departments at Healthineers took over the approach.

But what is it about? Why do we use the term craftsmanship? Was it worth it starting the programs?

Let's see how it went for test craftsmanship in the context of my department, what have been achievements and how we want to proceed here.

Marco Achtziger, Siemens Healthineers

Marco Achtziger is working for Siemens Healthineers in Forchheim. He has several qualifications from iSTQB and iSQI and is a certified Senior Software Architect by Siemens AG but is a test architect in his heart. In that area he also works as a trainer for a Siemens AG / Healthineers wide training program for test architects. He always seeks to exchange knowledge and experiences from other companies to make sure that we all learn from each other. He tries that also as speaker on several conferences like OOP or Agile Testing Days and several other conferences.