Andrea Demuth has work experience in the field of quality assurance for 30 years. She’s responsible for general QA and deployment of testing platforms of all deliveries and the release management at DATEV eG.
Since January 2018 her focus is on planning and release of DATEV products in cooperation with general QA. Formerly she worked for eleven years at DATEV in the sector of test automation, performance measuring, in-house customer support and reporting. From 1987-1997 she worked on the implementation of an overarching quality assurance at the host of a DATEV control tool.

Dr. Elmar Juergens did his doctorate in static code analysis and was awarded the Software Engineering Prize of the Ernst Denert Foundation. He is a co-founder of CGSE GmbH and has been supervising teams during the improvement of their quality assurance and test processes for ten years. Juergens speaks regularly at research and industry conferences and has received several awards for his talks. In 2015 Elmar Juergens was nominated a Junior Fellow of the German Informatics Society.


Tilo Linz has been working in the software quality assurance and testing field for more than 20 years now. He is one of the founders and chairman of imbus AG – one of the leading service and product providers in this sector.
Beside imbus Tilo Linz’ commitment particularly focuses on the vocational education and training opportunities for test experts. He helped to initiate the International Software Testing Qualifications Board (ISTQB) and launched it as first chairman (2002-2005). In 2002 he also founded the German Testing Board e.V. (GBT), where he was chairman on a voluntary basis till 2013.
Not least through his publications as (co-)author of the books “Software Testing Foundations”, “Software Testing Practice:Test Management” and “Testing in Scrum”. He is ranked among the most renowned German experts in the field of software testing. 

Klaus Moritzen has a Ph.D. in Computer Science.  1994 he joined Siemens Healthcare, a medical device manufacturing sector of an international company. He was leading Teams for Configuration Management, Software Test and Software Integration in platform software development for medical imaging devices.  Since 2009 he is Process Manager for Verification and Validation and since 2010 he organizes an annually Conference on Software Testing within Siemens Healthcare.

Thomas Roßner is one of the founders of the company imbus AG, and since 2001 he has been the Chief Technology Officer. He has many years of practical experience in the planning and development of software tests as well as the set-up of test organisations in a number of different fields, including GSM infrastructure, energy technology and healthcare technology. Thomas Roßner has managed research and development projects, both internally at imbus and at a national and international level, and he is currently in charge of the German development project “TestBalance”. This involves developing completely new procedures and tools that can optimally offset the expense of quality assuring measures with the expected costs resulting from errors and defects that occur during software development. In addition, the CTO is also a qualified assessor. Furthermore, he is the co-author of the iX-study “Software Test Management” and "Model based Testing" as well as being the co-author of the book “Practical Knowledge of Software Testing – Test Management“ and "Basic Knowledge Model Based Testing".

Mario Winter is professor at the Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering Science of the Cologne University of Applied Sciences (CUAS) and a member of its Software Quality Group. From 1983 to 1987, he was engaged in industrial and scientific software projects, and from 1994 and 2002 he was research fellow at the University of Hagen. He is a founding member of the German Testing Board. From 2003 to Feb. 2011 he acted as spokesman of the Special Interest Group in Software Testing, Analysis, and Verification of the German Informatics Society (GI-TAV). His teaching and research focus is on software development and project management, especially on the model-based development and quality assurance of software.

Ursula Beiersdorf war für mehr als 30 Jahre als Testberaterin tätig. Vor kurzem wechselte sie die Perspektive indem sie zu einem großen Produktionsunternehmen wechselte, um dort ein Testmanagement-Service-Team zu leiten. Hier kann sie auch ihre Community-Erfahrung als Moderatorin der Hamburger Software Test User Group (StugHH) oder als eine der Organisatorinnen des Hamburger QS-Barcamps einbringen.