Organizer: imbus AG

Who we are:

imbus is the leading solution partner for professional testing and intelligent quality assurance of software.

We offer consultancy on process improvement, software testing services, test outsourcing, testing tools and training. Software tested by imbus works and excites. Customers of imbus develop better and faster. With the TestBench, we offer a smart software for all testing tasks.

The experienced and highly qualified imbus team has represented consistent software quality assurance covering the entire lifecycle and coming from a single source since 1992. For the same period of time, we have also organized the Software-QS-Tag – the leading conference on software quality assurance and testing in the German-speaking area.

How important the research and further training are for us:
It is for us natural to not only have the up-to-date knowledge, but also to act as an engine for further development of all colleagues from this branch.

To cope with these aspirations, we take part in research projects and cooperate with universities and scientists. An example of this is the imbus trend study “The Future of Testing“ from Dr. Bernd Flessner that you can download for free as a PDF file.

With Testtool Review, we have initiated something like Wikipedia for international market offer in the area of software testing tools.
Numerous publications from imbus offer a rich source of knowledge. The important standard works regarding the software testing topic have been written by authors from imbus. Furthermore, the testing experts from imbus publish regularly in technical magazines and are asked to take part in conferences as speakers all over the world.

The imbus Academy training courses provide first-hand expertise. When it comes to software QA and testing, we are one of the strongest and most experienced training providers in the world. You can find all training courses and dates in our course overview.

Where else you can experience us: Besides the Software-QS-Tag, imbus also organizes the roadshow Trends in Testing every year. This includes: first-hand information on testing, new technologies and tools in combination with examples of best practices.
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