General Terms for Events

These General Terms for Events issued by imbus AG, Kleinseebacher Strasse 9, 91096 Möhrendorf (hereinafter “imbus”) apply for all services provided in conferences, tutorials, workshops and event series (hereinafter “conferences”) by imbus for participants at conferences of this kind.


1. Offers by imbus for participation in conferences are subject to change without notice and are not binding.
2. Registrations for conferences as participants can only be made binding in writing via the Internet, by post, fax or e-mail.
3. Acceptance of the participant's registration by imbus only becomes binding once imbus has provided its written confirmation of the registration. The confirmation may also be sent by fax or e-mail.
4. imbus shall decide whether to accept participants' registrations. There is no right to participation.

Cancellation by the participant 

Participant amendments and cancellations must always be provided in writing and will not incur a charge if we receive them no later than four weeks before the start of the event. Naturally, a substitute participant can be nominated. The participation fee including booked Hotel shall be paid in full in the event of failure to attend without due notification, or leaving the event prematurely.

Right of Withdrawal

Where the user is a consumer as defined in Section 13 of the German Civil Code (Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch – BGB), meaning that he or she enters into an agreement of use with the Service Provider for a purpose that neither falls within his or her commercial activities nor his or her professional activities as a self-employed person, he or she is granted the right of withdrawal as set forth in the following provisions. The right to discontinue use at any time is unaffected.

Instruction on the right to withdraw:
This contractual declaration may be withdrawn within two weeks, and no reasons for the withdrawal must be stated, in text form (mail, fax, letter). The 2 weeks’ withdrawal period starts upon receipt of this instruction in text form and not before the conclusion of the contract or before the fulfilment of our obligation to inform under Section 312 c Subsection 2 of the German Civil Code in connection with Section 1 Subsections 1, 2 and 4 of the German Civil Code Regulation on the Duty to Inform (BGB-InfoV) as well as our obligations under Section 312e Subsection 1 Sentence 1 of the German Civil Code in connection with Section 3 BGB-InfoV.

To meet the withdrawal deadline, it will suffice to send notification of withdrawal in time. Please send any declaration of withdrawal to the following address:

imbus AG, Hauptstr. 8a, 91096 Möhrendorf, DEUTSCHLAND
Fax: +49 9131 7518-50

Consequences of withdrawal

In the event of effective withdrawal, any services already received and any use already made must be returned. Should this be impossible, either partially or entirely, compensation for value must be provided within 30 days from sending the instruction of withdrawal .
For a service, your right of withdrawal will expire prematurely if your contract partner, upon your explicit consent, has started to provide the service before the end of the withdrawal period or if you yourself have instigated the provision of the service.

End of the instruction on the right to withdraw

Cancellation by imbus

1. imbus has the right to terminate the agreement extraordinarily if the participant is in arrears with the payment of the fees and does not make the payment before expiry of a grace period allowed to him. The right to summary termination for other reasons remains unaffected.
2. imbus has the right to cancel the event, even after confirming registration, and at short notice if necessary, if promoting the event is not in its interest because the forecast participation is too low. Any payments made at this point will be reimbursed to the participant. Any further claims by the participant against imbus are excluded; in particularly there can be no claim for reimbursement of travel and accommodation costs, or for loss of earnings, unless the costs arise because of gross negligence or deliberate action on the part of imbus.


The participant's fees include the costs of the necessary conference documentation, refreshment breaks and lunch and, where appropriate, participation in an evening event. Participant expenditure arising from travel, accommodation or transfers to the site of the event are not included.

Prices and terms of payment

1. All costs are stated per person and event in euros, plus VAT applicable at the time. The participant fee shall be settled within 8 days of receipt of the invoice and before the start of the event.

2. Discounts on the conference fees are exclusive and cannot be combined with other special terms or discounts offered by imbus or via a third party (partner company, associations etc.) where appropriate.

3. The lack of an order number on the invoice does not justify rejection of the invoice if no order number was stated at the time of registration.

Changes in the presentation

The programme may differ in content from the programme announced. imbus has the right to replace speakers announced and to make other necessary changes while maintaining the overall character of the conference.
Additionally, nor further claims of recourse may be asserted against imbus.

Copyright in conference materials

All materials provided, including any intellectual property provided to the participants on data media or over the Internet, are given to the participant exclusively for his own use. The rights to materials and all their parts, including that of translation, reprinting and reproduction are reserved by imbus (or the licensor). No part of the materials may, for whatever purpose, be reproduced, copied, processed or distributed using electronic systems by third parties without imbus's written approval.

Image and audio recordings

1. imbus has the right to have photographs, drawings and film or video recordings made of the conference and its participants and to use these for marketing purposes. The participant hereby gives his consent, where necessary. The same shall apply for recordings made by the press or television with the consent of imbus.
2. Participants do not have the right to make audio, film or video recordings of the conference or its participants.


1. All conferences are prepared and run with the greatest possible care. Professional development success is, however, not guaranteed.
2. imbus accepts no liability for losses caused by third parties (e.g.: exhibitors, participants, conference centre staff).
3. Where legally permissible, liability claims against imbus are excluded

Data protection

When you register for participation at the conference, we ask you for your personal data such as name, email address, postal address, phone number etc.

We only use your personal data within imbus AG and associated companies (imbus Rheinland GmbH, imbus Rhein-Main GmbH, imbus Niedersachsen GmbH). We do not pass it to third parties without your express permission. Should data be passed to service providers for the purpose of processing the order data, the service providers are bound by the German Federal Data Protection Law, other statutory regulations and contractually by imbus AG's privacy policy. We will pass your data to authorised authorities where we are obliged by the law or by a court order. You can have your personal data you have given to us deleted by us again at any point. Data for billing and bookkeeping purposes is not affected by any cancellation or deletion.

Access to your data is permitted only to specifically authorised persons who are tasked with the technical, commercial or editorial servicing of the data/server or the services you have ordered.

We should like to inform you that when you retrieve pages and files from this offer and are requested to enter data relating to yourself, this data is transmitted insecurely over the Internet and the data can be viewed or even falsified by unauthorised persons.

Comprehensive data protection information

Information according to the law on alternative dispute resolution

There is no obligation and no willingness to participate in a dispute resolution procedure before a consumer arbitration service.


Other provisions

Subsidiary agreements shall be made in writing.
The legal venue for any disputes arising from this contractual arrangement is the city of Erlangen.
The law of the Federal Republic of Germany shall apply.

As at 04/2022