14:50 - 16:20

Automation & Tools

Dr. Erlijn van Genuchten
Sustainable Decisions

Security by behavioral design: Testing the nudges that inspire secure decisions

In an increasingly digital world, cyber-security breaches are more and more likely. That is why security by design is extremely important: security should be taken into account from the start and throughout the whole software’s life-cycle. But even when software can be considered safe from a technical point of view, security weaknesses can still be caused by humans, for example by choosing weak passwords. In this workshop, we dig into how nudging can be used to inspire users to make secure decisions and how to test software for such security by behavioral design principles. Here, a distinction is made between social engineering attacks on humans and nudges in the software to trigger secure behavior. This tutorial includes a practical part, allowing you to apply what you learned to your day-to-day work.

Dr. Erlijn van Genuchten, Sustainable Decisions

Dr. Erlijn van Genuchten is a security specialist, helping companies make their web applications more secure. She does this by testing their web applications for security issues, so that these issues can be resolved.

She is also a science communicator in the fields of IT(-security), nature, and sustainability, helping companies to share valuable content based on science and increase the impact of their services. She does this by converting publications into easy to understand articles and presentations.

She currently also combines her expertise in these fields as a member of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe task force on digitalization in energy.